Environmental Surveillance for urban resilience & health equity

Strengthened by Intersectoral Partnerships

Working towards mainstreaming Environmental Surveillance across 25 cities in India by 2025, as a tool for urban resilience and health equity.

As guidance provided by WHO, environmental surveillance provides early warning and evidence regarding viruses in circulation in a population, including its presence or absence, trends in concentrations, and variants of concern or interest. This can inform decisions to prepare and manage interventions for public health at scale.

About the Alliance

The Indian Alliance for Public Health Preparedness (IA.PHP) is India’s first, multi-sectoral collaboration that provides a platform of diverse stakeholders for policy shaping, research and knowledge sharing for environmental surveillance as a tool for public health preparedness.


Since 2021, Precision Health Platform, the anchor of IA.PHP has successfully initiated and led environmental surveillance initiatives with city partners in Bengaluru, Jodphur, Lucknow, Thiruvananthapuram and Tiruchirappalli. Through the Alliance, we aim to scale these efforts of implementing environmental surveillance across 25 cities in India.

Members of the Alliance

The Alliance is composed of eminent members who lead academic and scientific research institutions, implementing agencies, apex government bodies, and philanthropy foundations working in support of public health.


Work We Do


Engage with national, state and municipal governments to build momentum for the adoption, implementation and regulation of environmental surveillance.


With the expertise of researchers, academics and scientists the Alliance will identify opportunities for new research, facilitate collaborations and build a body of evidence for environmental surveillance as a tool for public health.


Create awareness and educate stakeholders on the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of environmental surveillance for health equity.

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